Friday, December 9, 2011

long time

i haven't written anything for a while. some times i just don't have the time or i cant think of anything to write. I'm also a bad speller. weird that i want to be a writer. cant spell worth a crap, cant think of any thing to write, writers block, or just no time. don't get me wrong i have plenty ideas of characters and stories, its just some times i don't know how to start a story. i have been working on one since the 9th grade with my teacher. i don't want to give away to much detail because i don't want to see my idea with someone else. i have re written the story lots of times because i hate how i begin it or end it or i think of other stuff i can put in the story to make it better. my real passion is video. when i write my stories or think of them i think of camera angles and script lines and stuff. some times i think i should try and screen plays instead of trying to write books. the fact is some times i feel like an idiot because i cant spell a simple word or get confused at words like write, right, and rite or their, there, they're. even now I'm asking my wife how to spell. why did god give me these ideas and make it so hard for me to get them on paper. that's pandas thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. God gave you these ideas, yes, and He also gave you a wife who is an awesome typist and speller, so there. :P I love you.
