Saturday, September 8, 2012

nice guys finish last

I'm a nice guy, and they always say nice guys finish last. i don't agree with that. the guy who opens the door for people, hes a nice guy and people take advantage of that. he might be going out to dinner he holds the door for some one then all of a sudden a swarm of people take advantage of that and they keep coming and that guy is left holding the door. he gets in and finds out its going to be an hour wait. he decides to just go somewhere else. the next day he discovers that hes glad he didn't eat at that place because he finds out that their was a bad case of ecolie and every body got sick but not him. this next example is with a fictional character. take the dash from the incredibles movie. he runs super fast. when he finally competes at the end he's the nice guy. he will always come in second or third his whole life because he's the nice guy and lets the others win. my point is, what has happened to humanity? everybody acts like everybody has stabbed you in the back. take your land lord. your rent is due but you don't have the money. you call them up and say you will get it to them as soon as you can but all they care about is when. its like their acting like the money will never come. you have never treated your land lord with disrespect, you've never stabbed them in the back, you always pay your rent, but still they treat you like you do this all the time, like you have stabbed them in the back before and all they care about is the money. its other things to, people don't care anymore about if their are problems going on in your life all they care about are their problems. Kate and i have a friend, she just bought some thing from us and gave us some money for it. she still owes us some more but she has never stabbed us in the back before so I'm not going to treat her that way. i know that when she can pay she will pay and that's that. I'm just frustrated how people treat people know a days. if you owe money or borrowed something. if you have been treated like crap or have been stabbed in the back by some one then don't lend them stuff or money. but if i have never treated you with disrespect don't treat me with disrespect. i never stabbed you in the back and i never will. i still have my humanity and I'm a nice guy and I'm not going to finish last. and that's panda's thoughts.

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