Sunday, November 20, 2011

This weekend

This weekend my wife and I went to go pick up a car that her dad sold to us. We had to choose a week end to pick it up and it happened to be a weekend that the choir in are church was going to sing. I have been taking lessons and learning to sing in front of people. I have been getting better I was looking forward to singing but unfortunately my wife and I were still out of town. I know my choir director understood why I wasn’t going to be there. I also know that I didn’t want to pick the next week end because that is a temple weekend and I don’t want to miss that.  That is a calling and a privilege to do that. The choir will sing on other days and by the next time I will be better and my shyness will be better as well. Heck maybe one day I would do a solo. Ha ha like I would ever do a solo. I don’t think I would ever have the courage to do a solo. My wife on the other hand would do a solo in a heartbeat.  Any ways the point is I know the choir is just a volunteer thing and if I have the time to do it I can but the temple is a calling and I don’t want to miss that. That is the one thing I will put my foot down to.  Back to the car, it is a sweet ride. It handles like a dream and my wife loves it. She can’t wait to drive it home. Until next time this was panda thought.


  1. Thank you for making that trip with me. I had fun! I'm excited for the trip we are taking in a few weeks... I love you.

  2. How come I haven't seen anything from you on here in a few days??? I like your thoughts.
