Thursday, December 22, 2011

last weekend

Our trip
Day 1.
The day started off good. We woke up and got ready for church. We told ourselves we are just going to sacrament meeting and we are heading home to pack the car. We got home I packed the car and then I had to get the cat so we could take her to my mom’s house for the week. Not an easy job I must say. We finally got her and I wrapped her up all snug so she wouldn’t get cold. We finally got on the road. The trip here went fine. Roads where good and we made good time. We finally got to mommas house and I unloaded the car. I discovered that one of our gifts was broken but it will be easy to fix. Kate and I sat down to eat some homemade pizza and after dinner I went to the bedroom to unpack and that’s when I heard it. Like a river running down stream, puppy girl peed in her cage. Took forever to clean it up Kate took her upstairs to give her a bath and she peed on the bathroom floor. I took her outside and she fake peed 15 times before I took her back in. finally after about a half hour of re training her to go in and out of her cage, she is going in and out of it as she pleases. We played with her so she knew we still loved her. It is now 1219 and we are super tired. Good night
Day 2.
This day was better puppy girl is behaving better. I still have no idea why she peed her cage and fake peed 15 times.  I made breakfast for Kate and we got ready for the day. We went to a store called ben franklin and we bought flowers for some grave sites of Kate’s family. They had this really awesome chocolate there. I might sneak back there and buy some more. We went to a couple of cemeteries and put the flowers at the grave sites. After that Kate took me to this really good burrito place to get food. I want to go back they had this really good mango salsa. After that we headed back to mamas house and her new TV came. I got to put it together. About an hour later I had it all set up and ready to go. I am very tired. Dinner and bed that’s all I want now.
Day 3.
Day three we didn't do much. We just stayed home and hung out with mom. We talked and had some soup that mom made. Mom also made keish for breakfast and I got lost trying to go back to ben franklin to buy some more chocolate's for Kate and I for our anniversary coming up.
Day 4
We slept in to about 10 and kate called her father and he wanted to do lunch around 1130. We got ready really quick and we went to this really cool Chinese restaurant called the silver chopsticks. After that her dad took us to see the movie new years eve. It was made  by the same creators of valentines day. After that her dad took us to long horn to get some desert and I got one that was way to big. I almost went into a chocolate coma. After that kate and I went to jcpenny to finish Christmas shopping. After that we went back to moms house to just relax.
Day 5
go to my wifes page for day five. 

the weekend or franken fun.
the week end was awesome. we headed to the Bavarian inn on Saturday and we checked in to our room. the room i picked had a huge hot tub in the room. we used it twice as we sipped non-alcoholic cranberry bubbly stuff. we went to the pool and we went to oma's for dinner. their was some entertainment that night. we got to watch some kids and their parents do the chicken dance. my wife said the bed we had was too big. i agree i have gotten used to my wife being right beside me. the next morning i wish we could have slept in a little bit but we wanted to make breakfast and we needed to check out by 11. after breakfast we went to a bunch of stores and bronners. we had a late lunch or early dinner around 3. i had reservations and i embarrassed kate by getting her a root beer basket and santa him self deliverd it. after dinner we headed home to pick up puppy girl and our cat. that was a anniversary to remember.

Friday, December 9, 2011

long time

i haven't written anything for a while. some times i just don't have the time or i cant think of anything to write. I'm also a bad speller. weird that i want to be a writer. cant spell worth a crap, cant think of any thing to write, writers block, or just no time. don't get me wrong i have plenty ideas of characters and stories, its just some times i don't know how to start a story. i have been working on one since the 9th grade with my teacher. i don't want to give away to much detail because i don't want to see my idea with someone else. i have re written the story lots of times because i hate how i begin it or end it or i think of other stuff i can put in the story to make it better. my real passion is video. when i write my stories or think of them i think of camera angles and script lines and stuff. some times i think i should try and screen plays instead of trying to write books. the fact is some times i feel like an idiot because i cant spell a simple word or get confused at words like write, right, and rite or their, there, they're. even now I'm asking my wife how to spell. why did god give me these ideas and make it so hard for me to get them on paper. that's pandas thoughts.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Familys can be together forever

my wife and i just had are first thanksgiving as a married couple. not only are first as a couple but the first thanksgiving we got to host. we had a ton of food. so much in fact that it will last us for a week. my mother and brother came over to join in on the feast. are dog amber was so excited she had Turkey for the first time. after dinner we had dessert and my brother picked out a movie to watch and as i sat their it reminded me of the good ol days when my family did this all the time. from a family of seven at all the family meals to four it felt like the whole family was here and it reminded me that family's can be together for ever. dad, grandma, grandpa, i missed you but i know i will see them again one day. to my sister Katie i know you live in Utah i missed you to i enjoyed the phone call. i love my family and i know heavenly father put me with them for a reason and that is pandas thoughts.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This weekend

This weekend my wife and I went to go pick up a car that her dad sold to us. We had to choose a week end to pick it up and it happened to be a weekend that the choir in are church was going to sing. I have been taking lessons and learning to sing in front of people. I have been getting better I was looking forward to singing but unfortunately my wife and I were still out of town. I know my choir director understood why I wasn’t going to be there. I also know that I didn’t want to pick the next week end because that is a temple weekend and I don’t want to miss that.  That is a calling and a privilege to do that. The choir will sing on other days and by the next time I will be better and my shyness will be better as well. Heck maybe one day I would do a solo. Ha ha like I would ever do a solo. I don’t think I would ever have the courage to do a solo. My wife on the other hand would do a solo in a heartbeat.  Any ways the point is I know the choir is just a volunteer thing and if I have the time to do it I can but the temple is a calling and I don’t want to miss that. That is the one thing I will put my foot down to.  Back to the car, it is a sweet ride. It handles like a dream and my wife loves it. She can’t wait to drive it home. Until next time this was panda thought.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


can you pay my bills
can you pay my telephone bills
can you pay my automo'bills
then maybe we can chill. yes we can. I don't know how it happened but a really high bill was payed off. I hate to pay the bills but its something I do now since I'm married. my wife hates to pay the bills to but she put me in charge of them. Heavenly father must be watching over us. I still have a hospital bill to pay off, but things are starting to fall into place. bills are hard, life is hard but we find a way to pay the bills even if their payed late or only some of the amount is payed. Same thing with life we get things done or as much done as we can, and that's panda's thoughts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Michigan used to be my home. So much has changed here. The people i knew, places that I used to go to. My family moved to Utah for a year and we moved back in a hurry to take care of my grandma. After she passed my family contemplated about going back out west. Sadly we never did. The only one that made it back their was my sister. She married a man that lived their already. Staying here wasn't all bad. If we would have moved i would never had found the love of my life. My wife wants us to move closer to her mom. We where thinking Alliance Ohio. My family would only be four hours away and her family about an hour and a half. i would go anywhere with her. I have been looking at things that would hold me here in Michigan. The only thing holding me here is my family but they won't be that far away. The one thing right now I would miss the most is that recently my wife and I received a calling to work in our church's temple. I love going their and serving. I'm learning a lot and remembering things I never thought I could remember. When we move out to Ohio we will be three hours away from the closest temple. I will still go as often as I can with Kate but I will miss the calling. As long as we are still here we will keep going to serve, and those are panda's thoughts.